Wednesday 15 July 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Day 7

I hit a bit of a slump this afternoon, even though I'd had a really good day. I was thinking we were about to hit a week of lockdown and somehow from there things got exhausting. So I've spent the last couple of hours playing games on my phone and watching Gilmore Girls with the girls, it's been fun.

This morning was pretty relaxing, I had several hours by myself and did some housework, some outside time, some creative stuff and spent some timing sorting the kids old clothes (which I've jusr realised are still all over my bed). I played Monopoly Deal with Caitlin for a while and then was doing some photography research when Caitlin burnt herself with hot oil, over about half of her hand. We ran it under hot water for 20 minutes and she was feeling pretty numb by then, and I wasn't sure if there was still oil on the skin. I took her in to the doctor at Yarra Glen - it was so weird with only 4 chairs in the waiting room and lots of social distancing signs. The nurse dressed the burns (which didn't look too bad, and we wondered if we'd overreacted, but the nurse said they might get much worse overnight and wants us to come back tomorrow) after the doctor had checked them. Caitlin ended up with one of those finger sock things on her middle finger which looks pretty funny. We did a bit of shopping in Yarra Glen once we were done, including getting supplies (and paint) for painting our kitchen cupboards which was pretty exciting.

By the time we got home Caitlin was in a lot of pain so she had painkillers and put Gilmore Girls on to lie down and rest. I went for a walk just before sunset then tried to help Amelie find some fabric for something she wants to make and then crashed.

Feeling apprehensive about the thought of further restrictions but also feeling like not a lot will change - unless I can't get Amelie's phone back from the repairer before it gets locked down - that would be pretty disastrous. Wish I hadn't thought of that...

I'm going to go now and clear the bed off, make a cup of tea and go to bed and read for a while.

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