Tuesday 14 July 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Day 6

We all got a bit loopy this evening - don't know if we're succumbing to quarantine madness, or it was just our general Tuesday evening craziness. Lots of laughing and giggling and saying things that made no sense at all. It was nice to all be together - the girls and Tony and I watched Breaking Dawn Part 2 to finish our Twilight marathon - Liam didn't want to watch with us but did come out towards the end and got caught up in the silliness which was fun.

It was a good day overall although I am tireder than I feel like I should be. I was up early and had a couple of hours on my own, on the computer and a bit of time outside. I went over to Yarra Junction to get the milk and some eggs, then stopped in Healesville to grab bread and some meat for dinner (wiener schnitzels, which I crumbed tonight, and they were delicious). Once I was home I hung out with Caitlin, we watched some YouTube and played Monopoly Deal for a while, with help from the cat. Amelie was watching Hilda while we played, which is now my new favourite TV show. The script is so clever, and a couple of characters are hilarious in a really understated way. I love it.

In the afternoon I had a Zoom meeting for our Yarra Glen Homeschool group. There were 3 other mums on the call and it was lovely to see them and catch up with how everyone is adjusting to lockdown. Again. The girls joined me on my bed where I was talking to them, and we stayed there after the meeting and chatted about another TV show Amelie's been watching (Cat Noir?). Caitlin and I decided to watch The Politician, then the fruit box arrived so we went out to see what yummy fruit had arrived, then all got something to eat, chatted to Liam a bit, then a friend called past to pick up some eggs in a socially distancing way, then Caitlin and I took Luna for a walk as it was getting close to sunset. We saw the new lambs in the field across Houghtons Lane (although they were way over the other side of the field - Caitlin saw them closer up yesterday). Once home, we finally watched a couple of episodes of The Politician, ate our dinner, then we watched the Twilight movie.

It was a fun day and I do feel like I'm relaxing into things again, happy to take it easy and get through this feeling stable.

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