Tuesday 4 August 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Day 27

Not much to say in regards to COVID information. Numbers in the 400s again, more information on workplace lockdowns, looks like Tony's work comes under food and beverage manufacture so he will still be going to work. Watched the press conference and felt so frustrated at the way the journalists keep asking the same questions, even in the same press conference, like they think the answers are going to change. 

I woke up feeling pretty woozy,  went for a morning walk as it was still sunny and the forecast was for lots of rain and maybe hail and a very cold day. It was certainly chilly on my walk around the dam - the longest walk I've done in a week and a half and it was good to be out there again. A beautiful morning. I had a shower and still felt pretty dodgy, so lay down for a while and tried to have a nap. Liam and I went out to patch a bit of the driveway I wanted to fix up before the rain (he did the work for me) and after that I felt pretty good. I was able to do a bit of tidying up, played the piano, did some computer stuff. I talked to the dr again and decided we'll try a few other things before going to the gynae clinic because I don't want to go out if I don't have to. We had hail and rain on and off throughout the day, and lots of our friends had snow. The clouds lifted a couple of times and we could see the snow on the fields up around Toolangi - that's the first time in the 9 years we've lived here that we've been able to see the snow - there's been other years it snowed but the cloud cover stayed low. Liam and Amelie jumped on the trampoline in the hail, and we spent a lot of the day going out and looking at the clouds, the rain, the hail, the sunlight - the late afternoon light was spectacular, sunlight from the horizon with very dark clouds above us. And an icy wind the whole time.

The kids and I played Forbidden Island in the afternoon (and we very nearly won but not quite). Caitlin cooked waffles on the waffle maker we borrowed - they were delicious!  I cooked pumpkin soup for dinner (it was definitely a soup kind of day) then we all watched Ninja Warrior, with our usual Facetime call to some friends to watch for a while with them. A good day overall. 

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