Tuesday 1 September 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Day 55

 A busy day today - Tuesday is my shopping day so I get to go out! I always feel pretty tired afterwards though, it's more of an effort than I think it's going to be.

I got a lot done at home this morning, tidying and a bit of cleaning, chatting with the kids. Liam and I talked for ages about some of his games (Fall Guys in particular, he's getting really good). Amelie played outside on the trampoline. I put some soup on to cook - it filled the house with the most delicious smell throughout the day. In the afternoon I sat on the couch in the carport and chatted to a friend on the phone - it's a great place to sit on a sunny afternoon like today. I did some more research on a new car, narrowing it down to a few options - although inspecting a car might be tricky at the moment, I'm not sure how this is going to work. 

I headed down to Healesville to get my milk, chatted to the milk guy about his car, went over to Coles to pick up a few things (which, as always, turned into several things). I did my big shop at Aldi - a few more people there this time, but still not crowded. I really enjoyed my shopping time, I came home feeling really good and really peaceful. 

The girls and I went for a quick walk around the dam - it was much colder than I expected it to be, with a really icy wind blowing. The moon is very close to full and was rising as we walked, it looked pretty spectacular above the dam. Back at home we did more car research, ate our soup and some of us watched the Block. I did some of my course while I watched, and everyone seems to be settling down for an early-ish night.

70 cases today and 4 deaths. A relief to see continuing low numbers.

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