Monday 14 September 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Days 65, 66 and 67

 I've been very up and down emotionally over the past 3 days - although now that I think about it, that could probably be said for any 3 day period during this lockdown. I've felt happy and content and even excited about things, and I've felt anxious, and I've felt lethargic, and cranky, and bored. On the whole though I'm feeling ok. I've rested when I needed to, done nurturing things that I love, spent time with the kids and talking to friends, and when I listen to my body and don't push myself I always recover fairly quickly from the downward swings.

Highlights of the last three days include

- having several beers with a friend over Facetime to celebrate his birthday

- going for a walk down the road I discovered that crosses the railway track (and is just inside our 5km zone)

- 2 hours alone at home - Liam asleep and Tony and the girls having a walk at his work. Can't remember the last time I was alone at home and it was wonderful

- a long evening phonecall with a friend

- doing yoga with the girls each day

- getting all the old clothes sorted, in labelled boxes or in bags to give away, and having more room now to create my own space in my walk-in wardrobe

-watching Umbrella Academy

- reading my book

- doing some work with my photos - more stock on Etsy and taking heaps of photos of new growth on the vines

Amelie is having a tough time at the moment, she is missing her friends so much, and finding it hard to keep occupied at home. She Skypes or calls a couple of friends on most days, and watches YouTube and plays games and jumps on the trampoline, but tears are never far away. I'm keeping her fed with lots of yummy food and we're playing and snuggling together, letting her feel what she's feeling - this is a tough time and I understand where she's coming from.

The virus numbers are staying fairly low, around the 40 mark. They need to keep going lower if we want things to relax in a couple of weeks, but so far the signs are looking good. I'm feeling ok about the extended lockdown at the moment, I'm at peace with not seeing my friends, and just making sure I talk to them or text them a lot, and I know they'll be there when we come out of this. I'm not so worried about the shopping or activities - I just want to see friends when I can.

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