Thursday 6 August 2020

Lockdown 2.0, Day 29

New case numbers were in the 400s today, still not great but better than higher. For the first time in ages though I just glanced at the numbers and was able to go about my day without dwelling on them. Although I was interested to hear to that one of my old high-schools in Newcastle was closed because of a positive case.

Today was also the first morning in weeks that I woke up feeling my normal levels of energy and I was able to go about my usual morning routine. I still got tired quicker than normal but sitting down with a cup of tea or a drink of water picked me back up fairly quickly. Amelie and Liam and I played a board game, the kids watched Pocahontas and I had an hour by myself doing some colouring in, we all went for a walk in the afternoon. It had been raining on and off in the morning, the afternoon was sunny and not too cold. The ground is pretty muddy out there. We saw heaps of kangaroos - we always see some, today I think we saw ALL of them - probably 80 or more. The girls and I finished watching Gilmore Girls - I really loved it, much more than I expected to. I didn't ever really watch it when it was originally on tv, and I've so enjoyed the experience of sharing it with the girls. They went on to watch the new 10-years later sequel, but I didn't stick around for that - I like to just imagine the characters carrying on from where the original show ended, and I don't want to see someone else's imaginings of where they turned up. I started up my photography pages/accounts on Facebook and Instagram (huge learning curve here!). Tony watched the Collingwood game (he's enjoying the current 20-days-of-football fixture, there's always something to watch). We all headed off to bed by 10pm which is unusual for us -although Caitlin came in and chatted to me for a while so we were up a bit later.

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